Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Project Proposal #1 (For Reals This Time)

What is it?

This project will allow me to explore my passion for Victorian era typography and signage. I will be designing a museum program cover for a Wells Fargo exhibit using the design principles that were prevalent at that time. I will be doing the project by hand and hopefully filming the process as well.

Whose paying for it?

Wells Fargo

The problem:

I see two problems moving forward. The first being that most people associate Wells Fargo with the crimson and gold serif font. Something as elaborate (and in it's current state black and white) as what I am proposing is a direct contrast to the very strong brand recognition that the general public has with WF.
The second problem I see moving forward is that the general public only knows Wells Fargo as a bank when in actuality there were much more than that during their inception. In fact (and this is weird to say about the company that owns my student loans) they were kinda badasses in the wild west. From their key role in the railway system, to the pony express mail coaches, the gold boom, saving the west coast from bankruptcy (namely San Francisco) there's a lot of cool history there that most people don't have the slightest idea about.

My Solution:

The solution to the first project I hope, is to simply execute the type design well enough that people look past any previous association they have with WF as it stands down.
For the second problem, I will bring in strong graphical elements of their history that are strong beacons of Americana during that era. Things that the public will instantly know and many find interesting. These items may include, stage coaches, gold scales, steer skulls, the California bear, perhaps flowers along that coastline as well, etc. 
These are all items that I hope will be visual interesting both on a graphic design scale as well as a gateway to create enough intrigue that people visit the exhibit.

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