Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Don't make me think" Chapters 1 & 2 thoughts

   The problem with trying to summarize the first few chapters of a book is that, by the time you are finished with the second chapter, the ball really just got started rolling. That being said there is are a few key notions that Steve really tried to drill home. The first being, that no matter how eloquent you try and be, how many astonishingly brilliant participles your sprinkle throughout your work, people just ain't gonna read it. The truth of it is, like it or not, we are now a population that will quickly skim text. We look for the pieces of info we were after, or whatever key word we may find interesting, and ignore just about everything else. 

  Now I was aware that in general people just skim through sites, after all, I know I do; but what I didn't realize was the REAL reason why we need to make our sites as UI friendly as possible. Somewhere over the last few years I was taught that the reason you want your site as tight as possible is because you user is always just one click away from going to your competition. Steve acknowledges that yes, this is true, however much like a person who waited 10 minutes for a bus, you're willing to wait just a bit more to get the end result. The real reason why we need our UI to be as simple as possible is because every time the user has to pause and give conscience thought how to find whatever he/she may be after, you  may lose a little credibility. The thought makes sense after you here it, after all, if I am looking for a person to design something for my company and it appears like they can't even design a few links for their own site, I'm not as likely to hire that person.

Here's a checklist that should help a designer avoid this:

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